Invest in Water Storage and Education for You and Your family may save your life
Empty Water Containers holds Dehydrated Water so…….FILL ‘EM UP!
Water is Essential to LIFE!
The human body is 60% water. Metabolism and clear thinking requires hydration. In an emergency, it is critical that we remember to drink water so we don’t become one of the casualties. No less than 1 gallon per person per day for drinking and cooking. Laundry, cleaning and sanitation will require even more water
Find a way and a place in your home to store enough water for your family for 2 weeks. After that, you will need to have some kind of water filter or a countertop distiller so that you are ready to clean your water before and until the municipal water supply is available.
A few points to remember:
Become educated and familiar with whatever equipment you invest in so that you are proficient in its usage. Be sure to have plenty of filters and storage containers to take care of your water needs
Consider different size and type containers for different needs and you may need to travel to fill up your supply.
DO NOT expect anyone else to do this for you, your family or household.
Prepare yourself by making whatever sacrifices you must to acquire the needed supplies and equipment
Great water filtering options and systems include the AquaRain, Berkey, Katadyne, Seychelle, distillers, etc.
Many of these filters/systems are available online or at recreation, hunting, fishing, camping stores.
Make sure the system you choose is reputable and of good quality. Be sure to purchase several extra filters
If you are planning on boiling your water, consider purchasing a WAPI Water Pasteurization Indicator. A WAPI is a transparent tube which contains wax. The wax melts and drops to the bottom of the tube when it reaches 150°F (65°C) for 6 minutes indicating that the water has been pasteurized and is now safe to drink. A Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) is a simple thermometer that indicates when water has reached pasteurization temperature and is safe to drink.
Another way to clean water is using a water distiller. There are several sizes, including a countertop model and one to use on an open fire or heat source. Check out www.waterdistillers.com to learn about water distillers
Basic Water Storage Equipment
Fifty five gallon barrels for laundry, cleaning and sanitation needs.
Five or six gallon water containers to transport water from a clean source after water storage has run out. Also used to store drinking, cooking water
Poly carbonate containers are another option for drinking and cooking storage (BPA free)
Make sure to have a pump for 55 gallon drums and spigots for 5 or 6 gallon jugs so water is easily accessible for use
A white camping/marine hose to fill water containers Garden hoses are lined with lead and will transfer to your stored water. Camping hoses come in 25ft or 50ft lengths
Prepare Containers for Storage
Municipal water is already chlorinated and DOES NOT need further treatment to store.
DO NOT wash out your containers with soap. It is extremely challenging to get out all the bubbles
DO use 1 c – 2 c white distilled vinegar and water to clean out your container. Fill container 1⁄4 full of water and then shake or roll around it around and dump it out.
Rinse well and then fill after placing in your storage spot.
Prepare Water Storage Area
If the water storage area is on concrete, place 2×4’s, bricks or cinder blocks every 12″ directly on the concrete and plywood sheets over the top. This allows air circulation and will keep the plywood dry. (moisture from the concrete may disintegrate plywood if placed directly on the floor).
Put the containers in place.
Using a white camping/marine hose, attach to water source and fill up containers. (lead free)
Put the lid on securely (a special tool may be needed for this).
Label water containers: Drinking/Cooking, or Laundry/Cleaning/Sanitation.
Seasoning the container means the water stored in new containers will most likely taste like plastic. To get the plastic taste out, empty and re-fill the containers allowing 6 months- 1 yr to season the container
***Keep water containers out of the sun, if not, water will turn green.
Do NOT Drink Green Water!
Using Stored Water
Using a pump or spigot, pour water into a water pitcher. Run it through the filter, or distiller.
To improve the taste, Pour water from one pitcher to another and back again several times to oxygenate it. Or place water in a jar with it’s lid on and shake it for a minute or so to create a vortex inside the container.
Placing water in a covered glass crock or jar and setting it in the sun for a couple of hours will re-energize the water.
If using a water distiller, no need to go through this process.
Remember…… sugary drink powders added to water to cover the taste will make you even more thirsty then you were even though it may taste better, it will not quench the body’s thirst and need for pure clean water.
Collecting Rain Water
It is safe to say that there is not enough evidence collected to suggest it is safe to collect rain water from your roof to drink.
There is much concern, not only the fiberglass from the shingles, but also airborne contaminants, heavy metals, animal and bird feces, mold or fungus and the paint from the inside of your rain gutters. Metal roofs have zinc in the runoff water.
It is questioned if the collected rainwater from the roof is safe for vegetable gardens, however ornamental plants and lawn will benefit.
If you feel you want to be able to collect rainwater, consider a couple of open lid barrels in your storage for the purpose of collecting rainwater.
For any water collected for drinking or cooking, be sure to strain out any debris, then boil it, run through a certified water filter or through a distiller to be sure to get clean safe water.