Neighborhood Watch is a program sponsored by the Police Department for the residents of the city.
Training includes how to secure your own home and also what to watch for in your neighborhood meaning, unusual activity to be aware of and watch for and who to call to report it to.
In our city, we may receive Neighborhood Watch Training. Police Officers will also come to Precincts to do a training for block captains and residents.
Training on Domestic Violence, Winter Driving, along with Securing Your Home. The presentations have been extremely valuable.
Neighborhood Watch is a great organization.
Information is powerful when it raises our awareness and we act on it.
History of Neighborhood Watch (from CHCity History)
On March 13th, 1964 the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens New York outraged people after reports were recounted that a dozen witnesses did nothing to save Genovese or to apprehend her killer. This led to the formation of groups to watch over their neighborhood. In the mid 70's a Detroit neighborhood banded together to combat drugs and prostitution in their neighborhood. The National Sheriffs’ Association formalized a program and promoted it across the country. In Cottonwood Heights many groups were formed under the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office. When Cottonwood Heights Police Department was formed, one of the first orders of business was to seek out these groups and encourage others to get involved. Many new groups have since been organized. Â
Many neighborhood watch groups are organized because of a trigger event such as the cases cited above. Why wait until a tragedy occurs?  When neighbors know one another and care about each other, it is easy to form a group and have steps in place to prevent and report crime. This works well as a stand alone group or a function of a neighborhood association or other community function such as Emergency Preparedness.
Neighborhood Watch is not a vigilante organization as members are encouraged to contact authorities and not to intervene. WE SEE-WE HEAR-WE CALL is our motto.
Here in Cottonwood Heights we continue this grass roots tradition of helping and watching over our neighbors. Get to know who belongs in your neighborhood. Learn what’s suspicious and should be reported. Program the dispatch number (801 840-4000) into your cell phone. Report suspicious activity and secure your home.
Scott Pelley of CBS News wrote "The happiest people I have met are those in service to others. The surest way to happiness is to be part of something bigger than ourselves. To reach out and touch another person with compassion and respect is a moment of humility that releases your spirit to soar." For information on Neighborhood Watch call the Cottonwood Heights Police Department at (801)944-7104. ​
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