A Block Captain makes the Neighborhood Emergency Plan Work. (this is where it begins). With the status information collected from the emergency ribbon displayed on each home, (in Shake Out Drills or neighborhood drill), they record their neighbors status to the Precinct Comms.
It is also a great way to get information to every household from the city, district and precinct to the block captain and then to the block neighbors.
Communication is the biggest deal in the plan. Working together is amazing as it creates unity. Many generations before have been very closely knit, they had to depend on themselves and each other for everything and because so many were prepared and took on that responsibility, they were successful and close knit. People working together is inspiring.
Being a block captain gives the opportunity to get to know and serve several of your neighbors.
Here is a list of Block Captain Duties:
Prepare your own household to be self-reliant. You will be ready to help when your own family is safe.
Look for and Invest your time in your own education of CERT Training, First Aid, CPR and Neighborhood Watch Training. You may even be interested in becoming an HAM Radio Operator, all skills that will be of benefit your entire life.
Invest in your own set of walkie talkies. You will then be vested and will want your neighborhood to succeed. Join in your Precinct's scheduled call in drills to learn and sharpen your communication skills.
Find the dead spots around your home so you identify the best places for transmission.
Attend Block Captain Training Meetings in your neighborhood (if offered). You will learn how to prepare your own home, learn your Neighborhood/Precinct Emergency Plan, and prepare for the yearly Shake-Out Drill held in springtime. Get to know your Precinct/Neighborhood Team.
Get to know your block of neighbors. Give them your contact info and receive theirs. Share with your neighbors (your block) what you have learned on family preparation. Encourage your neighbors to prepare their own homes with food, water, and emergency supplies, how to Shelter - in Place, alternative heating, lighting, and cooking, grab n go kits, laundry kits, sanitation kits and procedures, car kits, pet preparation, cold weather clothing, etc.
As you meet with your block team, get familiar with the tools and equipment each other owns that would be available in the event of any type of emergency, and that you can access quickly. Become friends, share what you learn and look out for one another.
Deliver the Emergency Ribbons to your neighbors. Educate them of how and when to use them.
Prepare for the Citywide Shake Out drill by holding emergency drills with your Precinct Team and on the day of the Shake Out drill, report the status of your block's Emergency Ribbons to your Precinct Comms.
Your confidence, knowledge and value will increase as you gain skills and work together as a block and precinct team. Make the time to learn and practice, it is worth every minute and sacrifice.
If everyone prepares to take care of their needs and their family's needs, helping others will come automatically. Just like the airlines teach, put your oxygen mask on first.......Be part of the solution.
Remember...in an emergency
Take care of your own family and home first. Then report your neighbors emergency ribbon status to your Precinct Comms.
If you are a CERT, know First Aid and/or CPR, report to your Precinct Comms for dispatch.
