Do you have an Emergency Kit for your Vehicle? Vehicle preparation is a must! Think about this…………….. It’s 11:30 p.m. you’re driving alone on a country road. It is getting dark and you are passing through a place that is desolate. Do you have the supplies and equipment in the car in case your car broke down or you had some kind of accident?
Even if you are at home when a disaster strikes, and your home is well stocked, you may still need the supplies in your car. Your house may not be safe to enter, or may catch fire after a disaster strikes. Keep it mechanically soundand pay close attention to the exhaust system. A leaking exhaust system could kill.
Always keep your gas tank full! Fill it when it reaches ½ a tank. You will thank yourself the first time you are stuck in a traffic jam or in bad weather.
Think of your car’s trunk as a big steel supply cabinet. Keep your supplies in the trunk along with other items like tools, jumper cables and a spare tire, food and water.
Keep supplies in the car in the event of an emergency (First Aid Kit, dehydrated food packs, water, water filtration capability, canned heat, matches or lighter, extra clothing, shovel, rain gear, umbrella, extra coins and small bills, boots, toilet paper, portable john, feminine and baby products and supplies, if applicable).
Replace your battery every 2-3 years. In an emergency, your car battery will need to run the radio and heater for extended periods.
Have a mechanic check the following items on your car to keep it ready
Wipers and windshield washer fluid
Ignition system
Lights and flashing hazard
Exhaust system
Tires (Make sure the tires have adequate tread/ Rotate your tires)
Being prepared will give you peace of mind. Here are some ideas.
Basic Car Emergency Kit List
12-ft jumper cable (heavy gauge) Pump
Four 15-minute roadside flares Can of Fix -A- Flat
Light sticks Tire inflator
Matches Tire pressure gauge
Lighter Roll of duct tape
Emergency Roadside Triangles Small fire extinguisher
Extra fuses HELP sign
Emergency radio Pen & Paper
Solar/emergency charger Rags
Tow rope/chain
Your Tool Bag includes:
Flat head screwdrivers Phillips head screwdrivers Vise grips Pliers
Adjustable wrench Wire cutters
Saw Wire brush
Place Under The Front Seats:
Escape hammer Flashlight, headlamp or both
Window scraper Extra batteries
Scraper w/brush
In the trunk:
Blanket Two qts of oil
Small shovel Bottled water
Your First Aid Kit:
Assortment of bandages Several rolls of gauze
Adhesive tape Antiseptic cream
Instant ice and heat compresses Scissors
Ibuprophen Bandanas for slings
Essential Oils (First Aid) OPT roll of paper towels
Quick Clot Neosporin
Sterile Water Wet wipes
Safety pins, ace bandages Urinal/ toilet paper
Feminine hygiene supplies (women) Extra Diapers (babies)
Grab ‘n Go Car Bag:
Leatherman/pocket knife Bottled water/small filter
Shoes/socks/ or boots Coat/hat/gloves/poncho/rain gear
Compass Rope (50’)
Energy bars/freeze dried food pouches/nuts $25.00 worth bills and change
Head lamp for hands free Solar powered phone charger* (opt)